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At one level, concern about family selection bias is clearly merited

Controls for prior child adjustment in studies of early child care quality are more difficult

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There is evidence, for example, that type and quality of child care are related to parents’ education and income (see Figure 1).

Parents who have higher incomes and more education are more likely to place their children in centers that have higher ECERS scores, lower child:adult ratios, and better-trained teachers (Blau, 1999c; Peisner-Feinberg and Burchinal, 1997). Children whose home environments are more cognitively stimulating and more emotionally supportive are more likely to be placed in child care settings that are stimulating and supportive (NICHD Early Child Care Research Network, in press-b). These family factors, if not controlled, may masquerade as child care effects.

Children with more sensitive mothers are more likely to be placed in care arrangements that offer more positive caregiving experiences (NICHD Early Child Care Research Network, 1997)

At another level, however, selection effects do not appear to be as large as initially thought. Ler mais